Re: permissions

Brad Powell - Sun CIS (
Wed, 18 May 94 08:36:29 PDT

Gene writes:

>Thus, mounting a partition ro is no guarantee things can't be changed.
>This is why we recommend that the Tripwire executable and database go
>on removable media that has a *physical* write-protect lock that
>cannot be undone in software.

Time to get out the old needle-nose pliers and pull out the write enable 
jumper on the drive then :-)

Assumes of course that the ones you want read-only are seperate disks.

Some drives do come with a write-enable toggle. 

We used to flip the write switch when we were exporting filesystems 
to a hostile network.

Now, of course this still doesn't stop intruders with physical access,
but heck, my backup tapes are in a locked file cabinet too, and that
would be easier to borrow than my system disk :-).
